Lesson 2 - Team Management Skills

In this lesson, we will discuss 10 Team Management Skills a leader is expected to have.

This 10 isn't final, of course there will always be more skills to be added and incorporated to become a better leader by managing the team properly using these skills:

1.      Leading Team Orientation/Meetings

2.       Proper Delegation

3.       Fairness & Trustworthiness

4.       Give Constructive Feedback

5.       Bring out the best in others (Motivate)

6.      Proactively detecting & resolving problems.

7.      Resolving Disputes

8.      Unifying Team

9.      Be Approachable

10.  Willingness to learn with the team

Let's discuss:

First, Leading Team Orientation/Meetings

Whether you're the Team Leader/Supervisor (you can agree who will lead the team meeting/orientation) it is your task to ensure that you start building rapport with your team members. As soon as the promotion announcement is out, schedule a meeting as an orientation to your team members. You can do it yourself or ask you line manager to officially introduce you to your group.

In Orientation:

  • Let your line manager introduce you to the team.
  • Introduce yourself and ask the support of your team.
  • This is also a good time to set your goals as a team if time permits.

During Meetings

  • Be prepared and always have an agenda ready.
  • Make sure to ask each team member first how are they doing and/or updates of their current tasks in order to be in touch with real situations before you dig-in to the concerns, issues or any other topic.
  • For the succeeding meetings, allot time to review the past meeting's agenda and get updates.
  • Always close your meeting with a positive note to motivate your team to keep doing good and/or to do better the next time.

Second, Proper Delegation

Delegation is a way to ease up heavy loads of each team member. Delegate tasks so that no one will be overwhelmed with what they are currently doing. Which sometimes leads to employees getting tired,bored (to those who aren't loaded) and eventually might become the reason why they quit.

To delegate properly you must understand first the load of work and the capacity of your team members.

3) Third, Fairness & Trustworthiness

Being fair is an important skill a leader must have and practice. True that at times we tend to always ask for help from members who are ready and on-the-go, but we must also be mindful of how people react when they see you being with one (or a few) them at all times. Build trust so that it will be easy for your team members to approach you and share their thoughts about work or on any matter. Show them that you are fair and you also trust them.


4) Fourth, Give Constructive Feedback

Whenever confronted with the difficult task of correcting someone, always try your best to use a constructive way of giving feedback. Instead of saying, “your performance is poor…”, use a better and positive word such as “you can improve your performance next time…” Most of the time hearing negativity makes people get irritated and thus creates an uneasy ambiance wherein the team member would opt not to hear you. Choose your words carefully and ensure that you talk to them in person.

5) Fifth, Bring out the BEST in others

In other word motivate your team. Motivating our members takes time, trust and all other aspects. We will discuss more of this in the next coming topics.

6) Sixth, Proactively Detect & Solve Problems

Being proactive means seeing the bigger picture and thinking in advance of the possible problems, opportunities and chances to get better. As a leader you must have this skill so that even before a situation happens; you have a plan, solution or an idea to give or share.

7) Seventh, Resolving Disputes

One of the challenging role a leader has is resolving disputes. Misunderstanding and fights may happen between you and your team members or among team members, therefore necessary that you know how to resolve situations like this, take these steps:

  1. Clarify what the disagreement is. Clarifying involves getting to the heart of the conflict. The goal of this step is to get both sides to agree on what the disagreement is. To do this, you need to discuss what needs are not being met on both sides of the conflict and ensure mutual understanding. Avoid siding on one side and continuously asks clarifications and questions until the air is clear.
  2. Establish & Discuss ways to meet the common goal. While discussing, go back to the main goal on why this disagreement happens. When people know what their goal is it will surely come-up with a solution to make things better. Communality of each member’s goal will help resolve the problem.
  3.  Determine the barriers to the common goal. Define what are the road blocks that caused the dispute and why the goal isn’t reach because of this barrier.
  4.  Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict. Both parties have to agree on a solution therefore its important that you hear both side the best way possible. If both sides are at the height of anger, let them calm down first and schedule the discussion later on.
  5. Acknowledge the agreed upon solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution. Both sides need to own their responsibility in the resolution of the conflict and express aloud what they have agreed to. After both parties have acknowledged a win-win situation, ask both parties to use phrases such as “I agree to…” and “I acknowledge that I have responsibility for…”

8) Eight, Unifying Team

From that solving of dispute is an opportunity to use in unifying teams. Other than that, it having a team building activity, a fellowship such as having fun while not working – eating together, playing sports together and other gathering outside the work space will help unifying team. So, take time to brainstorm ideas on how are you going to keep your group united not only for work but as a whole.

9) Ninth, Be Approachable

At times a leader has that image of being strict and with high standards, but the reality is good leaders are good communicator. They can communicate to anyone that its easy to approach them. That they can come up to him/her easily and that the barrier though still there because of the position, is somehow just a guide for order and hierarchy. Be Approachable. Do the first move if needed. Say hi, say hello and join your team in between. Don’t be someone from above that seemed to be staying only in that pedestal of position.

10) Tenth, Willingness to Learn with the Team

Finally, the 10th Team Management Skill is the Willingness to Learn with the Team. A Team is considered fulfilled once everyone could actually contribute. Aside from that learning as a team is also a great opportunity to get to know the people you work with. Don’t just pretend to know it all that you don’t want to learn and have mistakes while leading them. Be open, be honest and tell the team that you too are learning while working with them.


Let's Discuss:

  • Which among these skills do you find it hard?
  • Which among them is easy?
  • Share your ideas on how to do these skills concretely.

Complete and Continue  